A blog a few weeks ago spoke about how Appreciative Inquiry aligns with the way an entrepreneur thinks. I would like to explore here how Appreciative Inquiry can bring an entrepreneur’s concept to fruition and achieve the success they seek.

When an entrepreneur comes up with an innovative idea for a new product or service. He or she assembles a team. Should the entrepreneur commit to an Appreciative Inquiry 4-D process, they will find that their vision becomes translated into a vision that the whole team embraces and owns. When broad stakeholders are involved in this dialogue, a richer and potentially enhanced vision emerges. Not only does the team clearly see the future but also the necessary steps to get there. An uncommon sense of unity of purpose is forged. Open, collaborative, communication becomes a way of life. Relationships are strengthened and trust and respect are enhanced. These characteristics are key to seamless performance. The strengths and talents of each member of the team are surfaced and become seen as the strengths and capacities of the newly forming organization. Appreciative Inquiry is known for its ability to unleash innovation, creativity and passion – the life’s blood of an entrepreneurial endeavor. Direction is clear and alignment and momentum are in full swing.

When the outcomes of an Appreciative Inquiry project are supported by Appreciative Leadership; momentum is sustained and reinforced. Appreciative leaders create opportunities for positive dialogue to continue; they keep the vision in full view, encourage continued collaboration, celebrate progress and build resiliency. Appreciative leaders have a values-driven approach and a commitment to unleash strengths that together create a culture of high performance. When appreciatively oriented practices and processes are developed to support this culture, the behaviors of high performance are woven into the fabric of the organization. They get it right from the beginning. An entrepreneur who harnesses the power of Appreciative Inquiry will certainly experience a performance advantage to make their dream a reality.

By: Tenny Poole, Principal

Tenny Poole is Co-Principal of Corporation for Positive Change and Principal of West Coast Center for Positive Change in Orange County, CA.